Fueling Health and Vitality: Fox Terrier Diet Tips

Fox Terrier Diet Tips; Fueling Health and Vitality


Food plays a pivotal role in one’s health and well-being; this matters not only to you as a human being but also to your pet dog. Like how you are concerned about your diet, you must also pay sufficient attention to your pet dog’s diet.

In this article, we will be explicitly focusing on the best Fox Terrier diet for boosting the health and vitality of your Fox Terrier. Keep reading to know all the essentials regarding the perfect Fox Terrier diet. 

A. Importance of a healthy diet for your Fox Terrier

Regardless of breed, every dog needs balanced meals in order to have a healthy and long life. Food isn’t merely a source that helps to satisfy your pet dog’s hunger. Food, more precisely healthy meals, are a must for your Fox Terrier to ensure accurate body functioning.

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A healthy diet allows your Fox Terrier to grow muscle, maintain strong bones, maintain oral hygiene, have healthy coats, and have stronger immunity.

Suppose you ignore your Fox Terrier’s diet; if so, all given aspects could be negatively affected, and the dog will not be able to have a happy and active regular life. Therefore a healthy diet is a must for the physical as well as mental well-being of your Fox Terrier. 

B. Overview of the article

Speaking of the best Fox Terrier diet, it is not limited to what they should eat. You should know several things about what makes the perfect diet for your Fox Terrier.

This article will provide an ultimate guide explaining Fox Terriers’ nutritional requirements, factors influencing dietary requirements, calculating the caloric needs, healthy food, unhealthy food, preparing homemade meals, selecting the best commercial dog food, special dietary needs, food allergies, and treatments. All these aspects are essential when determining the ideal diet for a Fox Terrier. 

Understanding Your Fox Terrier’s Nutritional Needs

A well-balanced diet for your Fox Terrier should contain nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and minerals. It is essential to know the factors that impact your Fox Terrier’s nutritional requirements and the quantity of food you should provide them.

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A. Nutritional requirements for Fox Terriers

As mentioned above, a good meal for a Fox Terrier must contain multiple nutrients that contribute to the dog’s well-being in several ways.

Generally speaking, six vital nutritional requirements for your Fox Terrier help with its growth and sustaining health. Those nutrients are namely, water, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins.

B. Factors that influence nutritional requirements

A proper diet is crucial for any dog. However, the factors influencing the nutritional requirements will vary from one breed to the other. The general factors that regulate a dog’s nutritional needs include age, weight, activity level, health status, and environmental factors.

To elaborate, Fox Terrier is a small-made, energetic dog; considering the physique and activity level, providing an adult Fox Terrier with around 1 ½ to 2 cups of dog food split into two meals daily is recommended.

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Moreover, this amount will change based on the age of your Fox Terrier. Additionally, specific health conditions and significant environmental changes can also affect the dog’s nutritional requirements. 

C. How to calculate your Fox Terrier’s caloric needs

Regarding the caloric needs of dogs, this also varies depending on the breed. In general, the regular calorie intake of a dog is measured by the Resting Energy Requirements, simply known as RER.

According to RER, the dog’s caloric intake is calculated by raising the dog’s body weight in kilograms to the ¾ power and multiplying the outcome by 70. A Fox Terrier typically weighs around 8 kilograms, so the caloric intake would be roughly 70 (8kg) (¾) = 420 calories per day.

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This will slightly increase or decrease based on your Fox Terrier’s body weight and age. 

Choosing the Best Food for Your Fox Terrier

If you search for what food suits a Fox Terrier, you will find plenty of options, but what exactly should be included in a Fox Terrier’s diet? When deciding the best food for your Fox Terrier, you must know the potential choices, what to give, and what to avoid.

A. Types of dog food available

You can buy ready-made dog food from stores or prepare homemade meals for your Fox Terrier. While both have ups and downs, providing your Fox Terrier with a mix of available options is better because quality and variety are needed in its regular diet.

Store-bought or commercial dog food is the most convenient option for many dog owners. Commercial dog food comes in a number of forms, such as dry food, wet food, and semi-moist food.

Although there are controversial opinions regarding commercial dog food, as long as you are mindful of the brand/ quality and quantity, there will be no harm in providing them to your Fox Terrier. 

Another available type of dog food is homemade meals. Homemade meals for your dog can be prepared using cooked and raw ingredients. When you give homemade meals to the dog, you must have a fair knowledge of cooking techniques and suitable ingredients. 

B. Ingredients to look for

When you select ingredients for your Fox Terrier’s diet, you should ensure the chosen components meet the dog’s nutritional requirements, which we discussed already.

When buying commercial dog food, check whether it contains animal derivatives, fish, dairy elements, eggs, vegetables, cereal/ cereal by-products, fats, vitamins, and mineral supplements.

On the other hand, when you prepare home meals for your Fox Terrier, some of the best ingredients to select include vegetables such as broccoli, squash, and carrots; fruits including apples, blueberries, cantaloupe, and bananas; meats including beef, chicken, and turkey as well as egg and fish.

However, note that you must be considerate about quantities and frequency of giving when using raw ingredients. 

C. Ingredients to avoid

It is good to add variety to your Fox Terriers diet as it allows you to maintain the dog’s appetite and balance of meals. Even though you attempt to mix things up and add variety to the meals, you must know the ingredients you should avoid.

Grains can be both positive and negative for dogs; if you stick mostly with commercial dog food, it is advisable to take grain-free ones.

Avoid adding salt, flavorings, spices, onions, and garlic when making home meals for the dog. Furthermore, you should not give chocolates, caffeine, nuts, or junk food.

D. How to read dog food labels

There are various commercial dog food brands you can find. When you buy them, knowing which brand matches best with your Fox Terrier is essential.

You can compare and find the best pick if you properly read the dog food labels and sort out whether it contains the required nutritional properties.

What things should you be aware of when reading a dog food label? When you read a dog food label, the first thing that grabs your attention is the product name. A good product always emphasizes the key ingredient of it, for instance, chicken/ fish. 

When you look into the ingredients, check if they are noted in descending order by weight. As the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) clearly articulates, each element should be individually mentioned with their quantity using their common names, and no terms should be used describing collective ingredients.

Commercial dog food includes multiple ingredients; nonetheless, confirm that it contains the most crucial ones: protein, fiber, fat, and water. When selecting commercial dog food, you should never decide what to pick by its looks.

Read the label, search on the brand, manufacturer details, ingredients, nutritional adequacy statement, and feeding steps.

E. Dry vs. wet food: Which is better for your Fox Terrier?

Dry and wet dog food can help your pet dog have a balanced healthy diet, but what fits best for a Fox Terrier? Dry and wet dog food add value to your Fox Terrier’s meals in different ways.

For example, dry dog food or kibble is one of the go-to choices for dog owners as they are affordable yet contain mandatory nutrients. On top of it, dry dog food is highly beneficial in promoting the dog’s digestion and oral health.

Conversely, wet food increases your Fox Terrier’s palatability and hydrates the dog. Therefore it is hard to pick one over the other; both can work better for a perfect Fox Terrier diet. So it is recommended to give a mix of both. 

Homemade vs. Commercial Dog Food For Your Fox Terrier

As explained already, there are several types of food that you can provide to your Fox Terrier. They include both homemade and commercial food.

There is no precise way to explain whether homemade food or commercial food that suits best for a Fox Terrier. They all can be beneficial in ways.

So the best thing to do is to educate yourself on the pros and cons to understand better what to feed the dog. 

A. Pros and cons of homemade dog food

If you are concerned about giving commercial dog food to your Fox Terrier, you can certainly stick with homemade dog food. However, with all the pros of homemade meals, they also have some cons.

If we commence assessing the pros of homemade meals, they allow you to choose quality ingredients, contain no preservatives, rich in variety, and have benefits for the overall health of the pet.

However, remember that relying on homemade dog food also has cons. Preparing homemade meals is time-consuming and relatively costly.

Also, they might cause a nutritional imbalance in the longer run. Moreover, since several human foods can be dangerous to dogs, you must know what to use and what not to. 

B. Recipes for homemade dog food

Earlier, we briefly discussed what ingredients could be used to prepare balanced homemade meals for your Fox Terrier. You can find numerous recipes online for preparing homemade meals for your dog.

You can select a convenient one based on ingredients, preparation time, etc. No matter what recipe you follow, you must be cautious about the quantity of ingredients and nutritional properties.

The recipe should contain balanced amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fiber, fats, vitamins, and minerals. 

C. Pros and cons of commercial dog food

Like homemade dog meals, commercial dog food also has both pros and cons. Speaking of pros, commercial dog food is undoubtedly the most accessible and affordable option for many dog owners.

Further, in terms of nutritional balance, commercial dog food usually works better than home meals. Also, commercial food, especially dry dog food, helps to develop various aspects of your Fox Terrier’s health, such as oral health and toned muscles.

However, commercial dog food has cons, such as specific digestive issues and higher chances of contamination. 

D. Top-rated commercial dog food brands

Commercial dog food can provide your Fox Terrier with a healthy and balanced diet despite a few issues. Still, out of many types of commercial dog food available in the market, you must know which brand suits the best to your dog.

Based on recent reviews, some of the top-rated commercial food brands for Fox Terriers;

Feeding Your Fox Terrier

When preparing a good diet for a Fox Terrier, quality is essential. You should also be aware of the quantity as much attention you pay to quality.

A. Portion control and frequency of meals

Dogs love to munch anytime. However, the portion size and frequency of meals should be maintained to ensure your Fox Terrier gets a healthy diet.

The portion size and frequency should be decided based on the size and age of your Fox Terrier. It is okay to give healthy snacks to your Fox Terrier in between meals, but do not do it regularly. Portion control also varies under special conditions such as pregnancy and health problems. 

B. Avoiding overfeeding and obesity

Obesity is one of the pressing health concerns among Fox Terriers, so it is vital to take adequate action to reduce the risk of obesity.

The ideal healthy weight for this breed is around 15 to 17 pounds, equal to 6 to 8 kilograms. Refrain from overfeeding the dog if your Fox Terrier maintains this weight range or something slightly more or less than that. 

C. Feeding schedules for puppies vs. adult Fox Terriers

A maximum of two bowls of food per day (around 140g – 180g) would be sufficient for a full-grown Fox Terrier. You can split it into two meals and feed the dog.

For a puppy, 1 or 1 ½ cups would be enough. However, you can break this into three or even four meals as preferred. 

D. Tips for feeding senior Fox Terriers

When your Fox Terrier reaches age ten or above, it is considered a senior dog. You must follow different mechanisms when making meals for old dogs rather than young ones and puppies.

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When feeding a fully grown Fox Terrier, you have to reduce the usual portion size and use food with fewer calories. It is also crucial to give additional supplements, omega-3, and increase the antioxidant level of meals. 

Addressing Specific Nutritional Needs of Fox Terriers

There could be several instances where you might be unable to stick to a precise schedule when providing meals to your Fox Terrier. Suppose the dog is experiencing a medical condition; in such cases, the dog will require specific nutritional needs. 

A. Special dietary needs for Fox Terriers with medical conditions

Fox Terrier is generally a healthy breed with a long life span. Nonetheless, there are chances where they could be vulnerable to medical conditions. If your dog experiences a medical condition, it is essential to fix their diets accordingly.

There are specific commercial dog food designed for certain health issues; if you are uncertain, you can always talk with a veterinarian and give meals to the dog.

The dietary requirements will vary depending on the medical condition. However, if your Fox Terrier generally feels ill, rice, chicken, pumpkin, and bone broth are good food choices. 

B. Supplementing your Fox Terrier’s diet with vitamins and minerals

A fair balance of commercial food and home meals will provide the mandatory nutrients to your Fox Terrier. However, it is also essential to supplement its diet with extra vitamins and minerals.

Dogs need vitamins such as A, B, C, D, E, and K and minerals including zinc, magnesium, and iron. There are multivitamin/ mineral tablets that you can give to your Fox Terrier along with its meals. 

C. Treating food allergies and sensitivities in Fox Terriers

If you notice your Fox Terrier scratches their body after meals, show a lack of appetite, and experience vomiting and diarrhea, they can be signs of a food allergy or sensitivity.

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Food allergies have no fixed cure. First, you have to diagnose what causes the allergy. If the allergy reactions are visible after adding something new to the diet, that could be the reason.

You can change the diet and see if things get better; if not, it is advisable to seek professional help. Veterinarians will recommend whether to use medications or make changes in diet based on the situation. 


Let’s wrap things up by recapping what we discussed. 

A. Recap of key points

This article provided a comprehensive guide on determining the best diet for your Fox Terrier. As discussed, there are plenty of aspects that you should consider when creating a balanced and healthy diet for your Fox Terrier.

Like any other dog, a healthy diet is crucial for your Fox Terrier in multiple ways; therefore, you must ensure their regular meals contain vital nutritional properties and the appropriate calories.

There are various types of food that you can provide to your Fox Terrier ranging from dry kibbles to homemade meals. Since these multiple types of food have pros and cons, the best option would be to use both from time to time, which will aid in maintaining the nutrition balance of meals and the dog’s appetite.

While you must pay attention to both the quality and quantity of your Fox Terrier’s meals, do not forget that there could be instances where you must adhere to specific guidelines when feeding, for example, if the dog has medical conditions. 

B. Final thoughts on the best diet for your Fox Terrier

Fox Terriers are feisty little dogs. Just because they are small canines, you cannot assume you do not have to pay much attention to their regular diets.

Fox Terrier is a breed with high metabolism levels; consequently, providing them with a well-balanced regular diet is necessary to ensure the dog grows and stays healthy. Hope this article helped widen your knowledge of determining the best Fox Terrier diet. 


  • Lisa Watson

    Lisa W. is a practicing certified veterinarian (BVetMed Hons in Veterinary Medicine) who graduated from Royal Veterinary College, UK. One of her research fields is mixed-dog breeds and their temperament, behavioral issues, and genetic health concerns. Also, she gathers data about purebred dog breeds and their origin, lifespan, and genetic conditions. Lisa is a loving dog parent who is keen to share her expertise with other fellow dog parents.

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