Are Fox Terriers Hypoallergenic? Do Foxies Cause Allergies?

Are Fox Terriers Hypoallergenic? Do Foxies Cause Allergies?

Are you a Fox Terrier owner or someone who is looking forward to having one? Then you might be wondering whether Fox Terriers are hypoallergenic or not. In that case, this post will answer your burning questions.

“Hypoallergenic” is likely to be a familiar term for dog owners. Shedding isn’t something bizarre among dogs. Dog breeds shed differently; some could be high shedders, while others are moderate or extremely low shedders.

When your pet dog sheds a lot, you have to put extra effort into their grooming, plus it tends to cause allergies easily for some people.

Hypoallergenic dogs are identified as dogs that do not shed. Whether you like it or not, you won’t find a dog that doesn’t wholly shed; every dog at least sheds a little.

Hypoallergenic dogs comparatively rarely shed and produce a low amount of dander in their hair which is the critical component that causes allergies. If you have ever wondered if Fox Terriers belong to this particular category, you can find answers through this article. 

So, Are Fox Terriers hypoallergenic? The typical answer to this question is yes. However, there could be instances where Fox Terriers are not considered hypoallergenic. If this confuses you, let’s clear the confusion.

Fox Terriers can be categorized into two groups based on the texture of their coats, namely Wire Fox Terriers and Smooth Fox Terriers. As the names imply, Wire Fox Terriers get a wiry and dense coat, contrary to Smooth Fox Terriers get a smooth and flat coat.

Wire Fox Terriers are hypoallergenic dogs who shed and drool meager amounts, but Smooth Fox Terriers do not necessarily belong to that group. Apart from a few exceptions, Fox Terriers can be considered primarily hypoallergenic dogs.

The best thing about having a hypoallergenic dog is there are minimal chances to develop allergies. If you get a Wire Fox Terrier, you can enjoy this perk.

Still, keep in your mind that there are peculiarities as well. To better understand this topic, feel free to refer to the sub-sections below. 

Are Fox Terriers Hypoallergenic?

As already mentioned, shedding is a common and natural occurrence for dogs, and based on their breed, their shedding levels significantly change. The term hypoallergenic directly gives the meaning less likely to be allergic to something.

You may have heard that dogs sometimes cause allergies to humans, mainly due to the dander of their fur. Dander is the flex of skin that dogs release when they shed.

Hypoallergenic dogs are dogs that rarely shed, and drool, making less room to cause allergies. Fox Terrier is a dog breed that is generally considered hypoallergenic.

However, depending on their coat type, they can also be regarded as non-hypoallergenic dogs.

Fox Terriers get two varying types of coats, which distinguish them into two separate categories: Wire Fox Terriers and Smooth Fox Terriers. Both types have a somewhat dense and short coat, yet Wire Fox Terriers’ coat is slightly curled and has a wiry touch.

On the other hand, Smooth Fox Terriers have straight and flat hair. Out of these two types, Wire Fox Terrier would be the best fit for the hypoallergenic group.

Although they have a pretty dense coat, the shedding frequency is very low, and they don’t carry much dander and other allergens. While Wire Fox Terriers hardly shed, the shedding of Smooth Fox Terriers is somewhat high.

Comparatively, they are not intense shedders but compared to a Wire Fox Terrier, they shed more. However, generally speaking, Fox Terriers are not frequent shedders.

Do Fox Terriers Cause Allergies?

Some people can be allergic to dogs, which is one of the significant reasons that keep someone away from having a dog, although they love them.

Do Fox Terriers cause allergies? Hence Foxies, more precisely Wire Fox Terriers belong to the hypoallergenic category; they hardly shed and drool. So there are limited chances for Foxies to cause allergies. 

Dander and saliva are the key components that could act as allergens. As mentioned before, dander, in the simplest sense, are tiny skin particles.

When dogs shed, these microscopic dried skin flecks also get released with their fur. Dander will not trigger allergies in everyone, but this will be a nuisance for someone prone to allergies.

For such people, dander can easily cause coughing, itching, wheezing, runny nose, watery eyes, eczema, and more issues primarily related to the respiratory system.

Besides dander, saliva, in other words, drool, is also a prevalent allergen. The saliva of dogs contains specific types of proteins that act negatively on humans causing allergies. 

In this article, we discussed that Fox Terriers are usually identified as hypoallergenic dogs, as their shedding and drooling amounts are extremely low.

So if you or any of your family members are sensitive to allergies, having a Foxie at your home will not cause serious harm.

However, you should always keep in mind that it is impossible to avoid them shedding or drooling completely. If we compare it with other dog breeds, it is relatively low, which is a good thing.

But there are instances where they shed and drool. Still, on the positive side, as it hardly happens in hypoallergenic dogs, you do not have to worry too much about it. 

Tips for cohabiting with allergies and Fox Terriers

If you are someone who is allergic to dogs, does that mean you will never be able to have a dog in your house? Dog allergies can be a severe concern for some people; if that is the case, it is better to stay distant from dogs.

However, there are options to overcome this concern. Getting a hypoallergenic dog is one of the best ways to avoid the possibility of getting affected by dog allergies.

Even though Foxies generally fall into the hypoallergenic category, some could shed and drool occasionally.

In such scenarios, this can be addressed by pursuing proper mechanisms. In this section, we will be focusing on tips for cohabiting with allergies and Fox Terriers. 

  • Be consistent on your Fox Terrier’s grooming schedule 

Fox Terriers have minimal grooming needs, and when you stick with a proper grooming schedule, things become more favorable for you.

Use a recommended shampoo and bathe your Foxie once a month and brush them weekly. When you consistently brush them, it helps to control the shedding frequency.

Also, you can brush their teeth a few times a week. It supports your Fox Terrier’s oral health, minimizing the tartar, which could cause more allergens.

  • Always keep your house clean

Foxies are indeed minimal shedders, yet you have to ensure that you keep your house clean and hygiene. This is a crucial thing that all dog owners should do.

It is not complex to keep your home clean as Fox Terriers hardly shed and drool. Be consistent with sweeping and mopping the floors, and use anti-bacterial sprays, preferably saline.

If you have carpeted surfaces at your home, use a vacuum cleaner to clean them as dander could quickly gather on carpets. To keep the air clean, it is better to use HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) air purifiers.

You do not have to follow a complex cleaning schedule daily, but be consistent, and when you clean, ensure you do it well. 

  • Create allergy-free zones 

Suppose one person in your house is allergic to dogs whereas others are not. In such a situation, you can create allergy-free zones in your home.

You can avoid your Fox Terrier sleeping in beds or couches. You can train them from a young age to sleep in specific spots instead of getting into beds.

Keeping them away from carpeted floors is also advisable, as dander quickly gathers on such surfaces. 

  • Find out the reasons for the allergy

Sometimes even though you suspect it might not be the dog that causes you the allergy.

Especially when it comes to breeds like Fox Terriers, the possibility of getting allergies through them is very limited.

Therefore without making biased predictions, try to figure out what creates the allergy. Check with your allergist and determine whether you are allergic to pet dander, saliva, or something else.

Final Thoughts 

Allergies make some people hesitant to have dogs. But it is not impossible to have a happy and healthy life with a canine, although you are allergic to them.

All you have to do is be attentive and follow the correct actions. Dander and saliva of dogs are the two key allergy components, and Fox Terrier is a suitable dog to have in your home as they barely shed and drool.

Wire Fox Terrier falls into the hypoallergenic dog category, so if there is a person who is allergic to dogs, Wire Fox Terrier would be a safe option.

However, sometimes Foxies do shed and drool. If you want to ensure this would not cause any harm, you must keep your house as clean as possible.

It gives more assurance there are very limited chances of getting affected by allergies. The bottom line is that Foxies are generally hypoallergenic; there are still few exceptions.

As long as you keep your house clean, it will not cause harm to have a Fox Terrier. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts. So until next time, Cheers!


  • Lisa Watson

    Lisa W. is a practicing certified veterinarian (BVetMed Hons in Veterinary Medicine) who graduated from Royal Veterinary College, UK. One of her research fields is mixed-dog breeds and their temperament, behavioral issues, and genetic health concerns. Also, she gathers data about purebred dog breeds and their origin, lifespan, and genetic conditions. Lisa is a loving dog parent who is keen to share her expertise with other fellow dog parents.

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