Do Dogs Get Sad When You Take Their Puppies Away? Explained

Do Dogs Get Sad When You Take Their Puppies Away? Explained

Many breeders, particularly first-time breeders, are concerned about separating puppies from their mothers. In this case a question arises ‘Do dogs get sad when you take their puppies away?’.

Also, potential dog owners frequently inquire whether or if mother dogs miss their puppies and vice versa. No dog lover wants to take a puppy away from its mother too soon or to the wrong mother.

So, do dogs get sad when you take their puppies away? Of course, they get sad. Dogs have a long-term memory. And dog mom mentally prepares for the puppy’s birth just like human mothers. Therefore, mother dogs can be seen worried in the first few days after their puppies are taken away. Sometimes, they might get separation anxiety which means you should go to a vet.

You have experienced one of life’s greatest joys if you own a dog. A dog’s loyalty is a priceless gift with no less binding moral obligations than a human’s companionship.

A natural dog’s relationship is as strong as any earthly bond can ever be, which is something that everyone should keep in mind when considering getting a dog.

Through this article, you will get to know whether dogs know when their puppies are born. And then you will know do dogs get mad when you give away their puppies?, is it wrong to take a puppy away from its mother? And then you will learn how dogs get sad when you take their puppies away? And finally, you will know how puppies feel sad when they leave their mom?

So here we go!

Do dogs know when their puppies are taken?

Do dogs know when their puppies are taken?

Yes, mother-puppy identification after separation is very dependent on the circumstances at the time and the strength of the attachment previous to separation.

According to a 2013 research published in Animal Cognition, dogs do have long-term memory, so it seems logical that they would be able to remember their puppies. However, it is indeed dependent on a lot of conditions, such as how long they had been apart.

After a few days without touch, female dogs will always identify and recall their babies. When the pups are young, this is especially true.

The mother’s protective instinct toward a puppy grows more significant the more fragile and feeble the puppy is. As a result, if their puppies are removed at an early age, they will remember them and even look for them.

We highly advise against this unless you have reasonable cause and vets’ permission.

Even if your bitch’s puppies are walking and eating solid meals, the maternal tie will still be present, and the mother will notice the loss of a puppy.

Returning a puppy after a few days will immediately jog the mother’s memory, causing her to feel thrilled or protective of the individual.

Cleaning, manipulating the infant with her mouth, and frequent smelling are examples of this. After a few days away, a mother will never forget her puppy.

As the puppies get older, Mom becomes frustrated with their demands. The puppies should not be separated from their mothers until they are eight weeks old.

They’re all set to depart now. Mom doesn’t have to be concerned if they progress slowly.

Keep in mind that one day in our lives is equal to seven days in dog time. To a mom and a puppy, a day is a long time.

Dogs will miss their puppies if they are taken away too soon or at once. She will quickly be back to normal if puppies are born from eight weeks onwards and given to owners in stages rather than earlier.

They constantly weep a lot the first night because they miss their mother, brothers, and home. This is quite natural; the pups are in an unfamiliar environment with unfamiliar smells, without their mother’s warmth, and with a new family who is just as scared.

Also, After separation, some dogs treat all puppies the same way they treat their own, while others respond as though they don’t want their babies anywhere near them. Some foster moms are happy to see their puppies return.

Do dogs get mad when you give away their puppies?

It’s worth noting that data suggests that mother dogs mourn their offspring. They can recognize each puppy and build ties with them.

Furthermore, hormones strengthen your bitch’s motherly instinct throughout pregnancy and delivery. This is strongest during pregnancy and just after birth, then gradually declines over time.

However, your mother dog may actively try to avoid the puppies by the time they are 7 to 8 weeks old. Sharp puppy teeth will cause their teats to become painful.

Their rowdy behavior will drive her to seek refuge elsewhere. Gradual separation from this age will relieve your mother dog since she will have some alone time. She may relax and avoid being trampled by unruly pups.

However, removing all of the puppies at once would undoubtedly result in grief. As a result, the separation should be gradual, or one puppy should be removed at a time for re-homing.

According to one study, the more experienced a mother is, the less emotional bond she would have with her children. Puppies will not only mourn their mother during the start of their existence, but they will also require her care in every way.

However, from the age of 8–12 weeks, they will not mourn their mother if their new owners adequately care for and socialize them throughout their development. That isn’t to suggest they won’t adjust to their new surroundings even if you offer the most excellent possible care.

Puppies require time and room to adjust to their new surroundings, and each breed and individual is unique. Be patient with your dog and make sure you get a puppy from a reputable breeder who is at least six months old.

Taking a puppy away from its mother very soon might impair its development and have long-term consequences.

Is it wrong to take a puppy away from its mother?

Is it wrong to take a puppy away from its mother?

It isn’t harsh if done correctly and at the appropriate time. And, best to keep in mind that dogs may leave their original pack and join others to avoid inbreeding in the wild.

It would also be inhumane to consider releasing puppies into the wild because canines are already tamed. You could be asking if all puppies in giant social groupings should be kept with their moms. To begin with, this isn’t feasible.

Depending on the breed, dogs can have litters ranging from one to thirteen puppies. Owners would need a large house and a flexible schedule to care for each dog adequately.

Furthermore, when breeders remove puppies at the appropriate age, moms typically feel relieved. They finally get some peace and a respite for their teats.

Do dogs get sad when you take their puppies away?

Dogs will miss their puppies if they are taken away too soon or at once. She will quickly be back to normal if puppies are born from eight weeks onwards and given to owners in stages rather than earlier.

If a mother’s entire litter is taken away at once, she may get quite unhappy due to the abrupt change.

Do puppies feel sad when they leave their mom?

It’s natural for him to be frightened after leaving his mother. Contact and attention from you and a set schedule will make it easier for him to acclimate to life with his new family.

It’s simple to blame dogs for human emotions and behaviors. While this may be amusing and is frequently a vital aspect of our interactions, we must recognize the distinction.

When we treat a dog as if they were human, we suppress parts of their natural canine tendencies, which can be dangerous. A simple example is thinking a dog is nasty for licking its remote regions in public, even though this is a regular canine habit.

At the same time, we must acknowledge that dogs are sentient beings capable of feeling emotions. Although they are not as complex (or developed) as human emotions, they are meaningful. Is this to imply that dogs form an emotional bond with their puppies?

When a mother dog has a litter, she will take care of all they require. She’ll give them milk, relocate them to safe places, and even assist them in defecating.

They accomplish this independently and can do so because of hormonal changes in their bodies. They offer practical assistance, but they also begin to teach them the required habits that they will need as adult dogs.

Final Thoughts about taking puppies away from a dog mother

Almost every canine mother adores every one of her puppies. Hormones control this at first, and they fiercely protect their young. The older a puppy gets, the more it can have a bond with that canine rather than just a biological one.

Then it’s just like any other doggie connection. On the other hand, some puppies may be rejected by their mothers due to a puppy’s medical sickness, a lack of maternal instinct, or other factors that many breeders and behaviorists are now investigating.

I hope you enjoyed the article while understanding so many facts about why dogs get sad when you take their puppies away.

Thank you for reading this post. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts. Have a nice day!


  • Sofia Williams

    Sofia W. is a professional dog trainer who completed Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA and CPDT-KSA) certifications. Also, she has completed the Pet Nutrition Coach Certification. Sofia is interested in creating nutritious food formulas for dogs to give them a longer and healthier life. She believes food and training are a collective combination of a healthy dog. So, she is with us to share her expertise and knowledge with other dog parents.

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