My Puppy Won't Settle At Night; What To Do?

My Puppy Won’t Settle At Night; What To Do? Complete Guide

We all love puppies. All that cuddly cuteness is something that we all love! But what happens when the puppy won’t settle at night? The chances are you will be getting little sleep, too. 

Why won’t my puppy settle at night? There could be a million different answers to this. But the most common causes are that he’s bored, hasn’t got enough stimulation, is overstimulated, etc., but the list continues.

Your puppy will come near your door, scratch it with his little paws, or if he is sleeping in your room, he will try to come onto your bed all restless and even whine and cry to take your attention if you are sleeping soundly. 

Let us take a look at why your puppy won’t settle at night and some things you can do to get your puppy all settled.

Why Is My Puppy So Unsettled At Night?

  • Your Puppy Is Bored

One of the main reasons that the puppy won’t get settled is because he is bored. He was exploring and playing with you or his toys all day, but now he has to go to sleep.

But this is not the thing in his mind. He likes to be around you, even at night, so he might be scratching the door or whining after coming to you to get your attention.

  • Your Puppy Is Too Young

 Puppies can be a little challenging to look after, especially if he is younger than eight weeks. It is because the ideal time for a puppy to get separated from its mother is eight weeks.

If he is younger than that, he might have severe separation anxiety and trouble getting comfortable at the new home. New faces, new places to sleep, and all of this can be a little confusing to him.

  • Your Puppy Doesn’t Have A Good Bedtime Routine

Another reason why your puppy won’t settle at night is that bedtime routines are new to him.

But routines can be beneficial so that when you follow the same steps every day before bed, your puppy knows it is time to settle and won’t make much of a problem. 

  • Your Puppy Is Not Exercising Enough

Puppies tend to sleep most of the day, but getting some exercise is healthy too. In that way, when it is night time your puppy will quickly settle down because he is tired.

If you have no idea how long you should exercise with your puppy, keep in mind that it usually depends on his age, breed, and general health.

However, the standard rule is that you should exercise your puppy for an extra 5 minutes per month of age (e.g., 30 minutes for a 6-month-old puppy) up to three times a day.

  • Your Puppy Is Overly Stimulated

Just like how exercise can tire your puppy, too much of it can be a problem too, when your puppy gets overstimulated and restless at night, unable to sleep.

Just like human babies, too much of whatever can cause behavior changes in your dog.

So, make sure to do the exercises at the same time every day, for a fixed amount of time, according to his age. 

What To Do When My Puppy Won’t Settle At Night?

Now that you know why your puppy won’t settle at night, let us look at what to do about it.

  • Arrange A Safe Place To Sleep

One thing that you can do when your puppy doesn’t settle at night is to give him a safe and comfy place to sleep.

Make sure your puppy sleeps in the same spot constantly. Then when he gets familiar with it, he won’t make much of a problem at night. 

  • Give Something To Cuddle With In The Night

Just like human babies, puppies might need something to cuddle with at night. Get your puppy a nice toy.

Make sure you give the toy to your puppy only at night so that he starts to associate it with bedtime, meaning that every time the toy is given, he will know it is time to relax and get settled.

  • Make The Time Before Bed Less Exciting

You should never forget not to excite your puppy when it is close to nighttime.

Otherwise, the puppy won’t settle at night and will want to play and run around the house with you. Limit the playtime/exercises to daytime, and stick to a specific routine. 

  • Play Relaxing Music

Research has found that some music induces a calming effect in dogs. So, play some music if your puppy won’t settle at night.

You can try relaxing classical music to distract him from whatever he is doing without going to bed. 

  • Try To Keep Your Puppy Near You At Night

Have you often found your puppy restless at night, outside your room, and asking you to open the door so he can enter? Then you should try to keep your puppy near you so that they feel safe and bond with you.

You can also try massaging the neck area and down by using long strokes so that the puppy feels safe and cared for. 

  • Make Sure They Poop And Pee Before Bedtime

Another one of the main reasons that your puppy won’t settle at night is that they need a potty break.

Make sure to take your dog to pee/poo before bedtime so they can sleep without being troubled by it in the middle of the night.

  • Don’t Make much of A Big Deal Out Of The Bedtime Routine

You indeed need to get on a specific routine when it comes to settling your puppy at night. But don’t always make a big deal out of it.

For instance, you might worry that the puppy does not sleep at night because you exercised with him just a few hours before bedtime.

That’s okay; it is just one day. If you keep stressing about it, pushing your puppy unnecessarily to stick to routines, he might become more anxious and stubborn even to follow your instructions later on. 

  • Try Not To Pay Attention To Barking Or Whining

Sometimes, your puppy might be restless at night, barking and whining to get your attention. It might be difficult not to pay attention, but it is the most appropriate thing to do.

It will make your puppy know that you are not giving any cuddles for bad behavior.

Thank you for reading! We hope this article might be helpful. Stay with us!


  • Sofia Williams

    Sofia W. is a professional dog trainer who completed Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA and CPDT-KSA) certifications. Also, she has completed the Pet Nutrition Coach Certification. Sofia is interested in creating nutritious food formulas for dogs to give them a longer and healthier life. She believes food and training are a collective combination of a healthy dog. So, she is with us to share her expertise and knowledge with other dog parents.

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