I Yelled At My Dog, And He Peed; Why? Reasons Explained

I Yelled At My Dog, And He Peed; Why? Reasons Explained

Dogs are loyal. They are our best friends. Sometimes, they might do something terrible and make us flip. We will scold them or slap them on their backs. But has your dog ever peed when you yell at him? If the answer is a capital “YES,” then this article is for you.

I yelled at my dog, and he peed; Why? Sometimes dogs pee accidentally when terrified; it’s an automatic behavior. But there could also be some hidden meaning behind this action, such as indicating his submission to you or showing you that he is angry. 

Either way, this behavior has raised concerns in many dog parents. So if you’re a concerned dog mom or a dad who’s thinking, “I yelled at my dog, and he peed,” we hope to eradicate these doubts from your mind and show you how to stop this act. 

Keep reading to find out!

Why Does Your Dog Pee When You Yell At Him?

If you’re a dog parent concerned and wondering, “I yelled at my dog, and he peed!” you must read this researched article till the end.

As I explained, there could be three reasons your dog pees when you yell at him. They are;

  • He’s showing his submission

When their parents get angry because of their actions, many dogs pee in front of you. This action is meant to be harmless and shows their submission, conveying the message that they represent no threat to you.

Your dog can’t talk, so this is how he says, “Sorry.” And it’s nothing to get angrier about. 

  • He’s petrified of you

Even humans accidentally pee when they get terrified of something. So did your pet pee in front of you? Then consider this; your pet might be petrified of you that he unintentionally peed himself.

Your pet might have done something wrong which made you angry, but is it that big to yell at your dog to the point that he gets extremely scared?

  • Revenge seeking

Yes. Some dogs, when they get angry at something, do something in return to get revenge. So if you noticed him peeing intentionally, maybe you’ve got yourself a little culprit that seeks revenge!

I never recommend scaring your boy to the point that he seeks revenge or accidentally pees himself out of terror. It could permanently affect the relationship between you and your dog.

Therefore, to enjoy a healthy affair with your best friend, AKA the dog, use positive reinforcements to remove bad habits in your pet. 

Why Does My Dog Pee When I Get Mad?

There are many types of dogs. Some are clever and confident, while some are timid and afraid of everything.

But unfortunately, both these types of dogs are so cute! So timid or confident, we love our dogs anyway. 

But when the dog is active and has a significant confidence level, the possibility of doing naughty things also increases. 

No wonder the dog’s parent flips up when the dog is being naughty and over-active. There’s always a limit that we can tolerate; when the dog crosses it, there will be occasional yellings and scoldings, just like how we raise a human baby.

Up next, the timid ones. They usually tend to learn how to be a good boy or a girl pretty fast and if you have had any experiences with a shy boy, you must have noticed how scared they get at every little thing.

Although that’s true, you can’t exactly say that they won’t do anything terrible occasionally. So the same as the previous type, we might get angry and scold them.

Even though our reaction is similar in both situations, the dogs might react differently. For example, while the overconfident dog tries to get revenge on you, the other type, timid dogs, will get extremely scared or show you that they mean no harm. 

You will notice that the confident boy will do something terrible right in front of your eyes as soon as you scold him. For example, he might pee on your favorite chair, floor rug, or shoe.

He might also get destructive and tear up your sofa or chew on your shoes. It’s rare to find these types of revenge-seeking dogs, but it’s not impossible to see one of them.

Therefore, if you’re wondering, “I yelled at my dog, and he peed!” then maybe your all innocent-looking flurry boy is not so innocent after all!

But, the next question will be what will a shy and always scared boy do to make you think, “I yelled at my dog, and he peed!” 

There could be mainly two possible outcomes with a shy fluff boy. First, he might pee in front of you and look at you with those big, innocent puppy dog eyes.

If he does that when you scold or yell at him, then that means he’s telling you that he means no harm.

He’s saying I’m sorry, mummy or daddy. How could you resist when he looks at you with those adorable puppy eyes? I know I can’t resist! Or the poor boy will pee himself unintentionally.

So that’s the second possibility. Either way, I strongly discourage hitting or scolding your fluffy at any instance.

How Do I Stop My Dog From Peeing When Angry?

As I mentioned above, a dog peeing when angry means he is trying to get back at you. This behavior is terrible as it could remove your dog’s respect for you.

And from there on, things would only worsen if you did not take immediate action. 

First things first, your actions will be the primary factor that affects how your dog behaves. If your actions are negative, he will reciprocate that.

Therefore, always remember that your pet is looking at you and your actions. 

If you see him doing something wrong, take action to stop it then and there. But always use positive methods to eliminate bad habits. It’s vital to behave with your pet and give him a positive attitude.

These are the most basic things you should know and be concerned about when trying to figure out answers to your problem; the mind “I yelled at my dog and he peed.”

Thank you for reading this post. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts about your favorite dog breed. We’ll see you next time!


  • Dominic Parker

    Dominic P. is a dog behavioral researcher who graduated from the University of Surrey and holds BVMsi (Hons) in Veterinary Medicine and Science. He has been around dogs since childhood and has unconditional love for dogs. It makes him become a researcher instead of practicing as a veterinarian. Dominic enjoys his work and likes to share his findings with dog parents to give them a better understanding of dogs’ behaviors.

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