Why Does My Dog Sit Alone In Another Room? Explained With Tips

Why Does My Dog Sit Alone In Another Room? Explained With Tips

You get home from work and call out loud for your pet dog. But there is no answer. You are searching for him and find your dog sitting alone in another room.

You are concerned about what has happened. Or perhaps this is a recurring behavior; since you always find your dog sitting alone like this.

So, Why does my dog sit alone in another room? There could be many reasons for this. It might be that he just prefers to be by himself, that the room is comfier, or that he is simply stressed out.

Why Does My Dog Sit Alone In Another Room?

  • Your dog likes to sit in a different room

It may be because it is so used to and finds that place safer and more relaxing. Also, it could be the temperature or his level of calm in another room.

It is especially likely if it has never sat in your room and has always preferred the other room.

  • Your dog does not want to be near you

Because it senses your negative emotions, your dog may sit alone in another room at times. Did you just have a nervous breakdown? Did you recently take it out on your dog?

They can recognize changes in our expressions from our faces and react appropriately. When something like that occurs, your dog will try and avoid you. It will leave you thinking, why does my dog sit alone in another room.

  • Your dog is under stress

It is one of the common reasons to look for when trying to answer the question, “Why does my dog sit alone in another room?” He could just be stressed out.

When we are stressed, we also prefer to sit alone. We don’t like being bothered at times like this. The same is true for dogs.

However, if he does not return to normal within 1-2 days, you must take him to a veterinarian.

  • Your dog is ill

When dogs are ill, they often sit alone in another room. Your dog will want to avoid you because they believe they are troubling you.

He will not engage in play or enjoy the pet treats you give him. If you believe he may be ill, it is best to take him to the vet.

  • Your dog believes it is the best room to get a clear view

Guarding behavior is common in dogs. They naturally want to protect their humans and consider how to ensure their safety.

Your dog may decide to sit in a particular room because it offers the best viewpoint for taking in the surroundings and helping in home security.

What Does It Mean When A Dog Isolates Itself?

Even after you have considered all those reasons, you might find yourself wondering, “why does my dog sit alone in another room and likes to be isolated most of the time?”  

Your dog could be isolating himself for a variety of reasons. Dogs are prone to depression, very much like humans; when a dog goes through significant life changes, like moving to a new house, losing a family member, or adding a new pet, it can cause him to isolate himself.

As mentioned previously, anxiety can make your dog withdraw from the outside world. They may become isolated due to inadequate social conditioning, previous trauma (notably if you adopted an older dog), and a fear of loud noises like fireworks as well as loud music in your house.

Some indications of anxiety include shaking, whimpering, barking, and excessive pacing around the house.

Given that dogs’ instinctive, natural tendency is to try and hide their suffering, such isolation may also be the result of various illnesses.

He might feel helpless as a result of age-related diseases, such as joint pain that restricts his movement.

What Can You Do When Your Dog Sits Alone In Another Room?

Now you know the answer to your most worrying question – Why does my dog sit alone in another room? But you must be thinking about what you should do about this behavior! 

Don’t worry; here are some tips on what to do when your dog sits alone in another room.

One thing you could do is teach your dog to sit on instruction using positive reinforcement training in the spot where you want him to sit.

Then, you can tell the dog to sit there a few times a day and give it a treat when it does. It should discover through repetition that sitting in the new spot results in rewards.

Make sure your room has a comfortable sitting area. If you don’t want your dog to spend all of his time alone in another room, consider the available space, the temperature, the noise level in the room, etc.

Your dog may refuse to enter your room because it is too untidy. As said before, you must provide your dog with a separate space to allow them to move around comfortably.

If your dog sits alone in another room because he detects your negative emotions, make sure to be aware of your attitude.

Avoid taking your frustrations out on your dog, and if you are upset with him because he wasn’t listening to you, don’t yell or throw things at him. The next time, try to approach him calmly.

If you assume he is stressed, try to divert his attention. Please make time to play with him or simply walk him around the block for 10 minutes.

You can also play music to help him relax. And to show your dog you care, try to hug him when he is alone in the other room.

However, it is better to take him to a vet as soon as possible if an illness is a reason he wants to be isolated. Rather than being in pain and sitting alone in a room, treatments may provide some relief for your dog.

I hope you found this article is useful. If you think so, feel free to share this with lovely-dog parents you know. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts.


  • Dominic Parker

    Dominic P. is a dog behavioral researcher who graduated from the University of Surrey and holds BVMsi (Hons) in Veterinary Medicine and Science. He has been around dogs since childhood and has unconditional love for dogs. It makes him become a researcher instead of practicing as a veterinarian. Dominic enjoys his work and likes to share his findings with dog parents to give them a better understanding of dogs’ behaviors.

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