Why Do Dogs Pee Blood? Causes And Treating Guide

Why Do Dogs Pee Blood? Causes And Treating Guide

Like humans, our pets often get pulled down with diseases, and all the diseases that humans suffer – like cancer, diabetes, and heart conditions. But sometimes, these conditions become too much for them to bear, making them concerned and agitated.

But, if we know something about our dog’s condition, we know what exactly to do if things get worse or need immediate medical attention. One such occasion is when dogs pee blood. 

So, why do dogs pee blood? When the dog’s pee turns red, known as Hematuria; it is a concern of diseases like kidney stones, infections, or bladder-related illnesses. Additionally, when the dog is suffering from a urine tract inflammation or infection, there could be blood mixed with his pee. 

When you notice that your canine is peeing blood, it is generally advised to have it checked by a professional veterinarian within 24 hours. If something severe is going on, starting medication as early as possible is always better.

Not only will it ease the diagnosis of the condition early on, but most of the time, it also saves the dog’s life. 

What Causes Blood In A Dog’s Urine?

There are two sections of the urinary tract that cause blood in your dog’s pee; the upper and the lower urinary tract.

While the upper urinary tract produces blood in the dog’s pee, mainly due to problems related to the kidneys, the lower urinary tract will do the same when the dog has any bladder-related issues. 

Let’s check out some of these kidney and bladder issues, which will give the answer to the question, “why do dogs pee blood?”

Issues in the Upper Urinary Tract

Kidney stones, infections, and cancer in the kidneys are three kidney issues that can cause the dog to pee in blood.

While kidney infections are pretty common among dogs, stones and cancer are very rare. While it is true, you can’t be 100% sure that it couldn’t be the reason why dogs pee blood.

Moreover, kidney cancers can originate in the organ and then spread around the body with time. And peeing blood is one of its common symptoms. 

Renal Telangiectasia is another upper urinary tract issue that makes dog parents wonder why dogs pee blood. When multiple blood vessels in the kidney are dilated, it is called Telangiectasia.

This disease mostly gets passed down along the bloodline of the dogs and is often seen in Welsh Corgies

And Idiopathic Renal Hematuria, another medical condition that causes dogs to pee blood, still has no scientifically identified cause.

At the same time, “Idiopathic” refers to unknown reasons, medications, infected kidneys, or immune system issues are a few that support Idiopathic Renal Hematuria. 

Issues in the Lower Urinary Tract

When the urine is not emptied promptly, the chemicals in the pee form crystals that get hardened into stones. So, if you do not take your dog out to pee or let him out several times a day, there’s a high chance that your furry friend’s bladder will get filled with these stones. 

Subsequently, lower urinary tract infection (UTI) and bladder cancer can also cause red pee, making you wonder why dogs pee blood.

And bladder infection is the most common cause of why dogs pee blood and often occurs due to hormone problems (in neutered dogs), urethra anatomy and allergies that arise in the canine’s skin, etc.

Another reason why dogs pee blood is problems in the prostatic gland. Especially infections and enlargements of the prostate gland tends to put pressure on the urethra and eventually make way for Hematuria. 

Other causes why dogs pee blood

Other than the issues in the urinary tract, the following medical conditions could also give rise to blood in your dog’s pee. 

  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Undergoing chemotherapy due to any type of cancer
  • When the dog’s blood doesn’t clot as it should – Coagulopathy 
  • The lack of white blood cells in the canine’s blood prolongs internal bleeding – Thrombocytopenia

Is A Dog Peeing Blood An Emergency?

It becomes an emergency if your furry friend is in visible pain and flinches whenever he tries to move. If not, and otherwise, the dog appears to be okay and physically well, there might be no immediate danger to the dog’s life.

But still, taking him to your veterinarian immediately – if necessary – or within 24 hours of noticing blood in his pee is imperative. 

Taking your canine to the vet as soon as or within 24 hours of noticing blood in his pee is vital because early diagnosis of the issue will make it easy to treat and sometimes even save your pet’s life. 

How Do You Treat Blood In A Dog’s Urine?

So what should you do when you see your dog peeing red and start wondering why dogs pee blood? While blood in pee can appear in several ways (clots and bloody urine with colors ranging from light pink to dark red).

You might not even notice them sometimes. But when you do, the first thing you must do is stay calm and not panic. 

It’s better if you can call your veterinarian and ask for advice until you take the dog to a checkup. 

Treatment for blood in pee differs from the issue that causes it in the first place. Suppose it is an infection, such as a Urinary tract infection. In that case, the vets will treat it with antibiotics and take blood and urine samples for further checkups. 

Medical officers usually try to clear and flush the crystals out for bladder stones with medication. Still, if it fails, the next option is to surgically remove these crystals. 

For instances where cancer is involved, chemotherapy, radiation, and painkillers are often used to treat the dog.

But if the cancer was not diagnosed in the very early stages, it is also essential to remember that there is no going back. Still, the treatments will make it much more comfortable for the dog. 

These are only a few main methods of treating the three most common reasons why dogs pee blood.

These treatments vary according to the diagnosis, and there are also sometimes when the dog wouldn’t need any medication because it is only a mild condition.

Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts about your favorite dog breed. I’ll see you next time.


  • Lisa Watson

    Lisa W. is a practicing certified veterinarian (BVetMed Hons in Veterinary Medicine) who graduated from Royal Veterinary College, UK. One of her research fields is mixed-dog breeds and their temperament, behavioral issues, and genetic health concerns. Also, she gathers data about purebred dog breeds and their origin, lifespan, and genetic conditions. Lisa is a loving dog parent who is keen to share her expertise with other fellow dog parents.

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