Jack Russell’s Jumping Behavior, Why And How High? Train Not To Jump
Jack Russell Terriers are naturally a very active dog breed. People initially bred them to hunt foxes with farmers in England. So, it’s not surprising if your JRT has some behavioral issues, like jumping.
What’s all the fuss about Jack Russell’s jump? Jumping is typical behavior of Jack Russell Terriers from a young age to adulthood. They can jump up to 5 feet easily. This hyperactive dog breed will use it to get whatever they want, whenever they want. If it continues into adulthood, the cuteness will dilute away save for a nuisance behavior in your JRT.
If you’re thinking of adopting one, it’s better to be well informed on the Jack Russell jump rather than be shocked later.
But, if you already have a Jack Russell with the infamous jumping problem, we got good news for you. With patience and training, you can get rid of the Jack Russell jump.
Are Jack Russells good at jumping?
Oh, my god, yes! This hyperactive dog can adopt any lousy behavior if profitable for him. It’s better to nip the problem at the bud while your puppy is still small. But we can understand how it comes to adult life.
After all, a jumping puppy seeking attention is, indeed, adorable. That’s your first mistake. We will talk about this in-depth later in the discussion.
So, back to the topic: are Jack Russells good at jumping? Your foot-tall puppy can jump up to 5 times its height, meaning an average Jack Russell jump will reach around 5 feet.
It’s like they have invisible springs attached to their feet that help them jump up high like a kangaroo. With proper practice, you can send your JRT to the Olympics for the high jump. No kidding (pun fully intended).
They can jump on you, with the front two paws stretched to reach your legs. There are a few reasons I can think of for Jack Russell’s jump.
To gain attention, seek food or a toy, receive pats, and lastly, for no reason. Yes, that’s right! You might notice your Jack jumping up and down out of boredom.
It’s no wonder that after developing this bad habit, a Jack Russell will use it to get his way around you. And naturally, when he reaches adulthood, the cuteness will dissolve, save for nuisance behavior.
How high can a Jack Russell jump?
As I mentioned before, a Jack Russell’s jump can reach five times his height. So, jumping 5 feet is a no-game scenario for a foot-high doggo. The longest jump recorded is 1.98 m.
So, reconsider that baby fence you were thinking of using to separate your Jack Russell from a room. Those eyes might look innocent, but they hide a lot of mischievousness. But that’s what makes them more lovable.
Why do Jack Russells jump so high?
Okay, let’s go back in time. Can you ever remember patting your Russell when he jumps on you? With his tiny front paws on your legs and looking up with those big round eyes, it’s impossible not to.
Did you make him jump up to grab treats while you held it a few inches higher than his reach? And, did you say that he’s a ‘good boy’ after he succeeded? Let me tell you. That’s where you went wrong—the biggest mistake in your caring pattern for a Jack Russell Terrier.
Your encouragement constantly inspires a Jack Russell jump. Now that he knows, it will get his favorite treat or toy or pats when he jumps up; he’s using it to his advantage.
He will jump on you for no reason at all sometimes. And often, your Jack Russell will jump non-stop like a spring on a roll. And then slowly, this behavior becomes a nuisance.
It will only worsen if you fail to nip it in the bud. Your pup will start jumping on your neighbors and visitors, and we all know that there’s a percentage of people who can’t handle this type of behavior.
The easiest thing to do is stop it while he’s a puppy. Being well informed on all Jack Russell’s behaviors will help a lot.
But don’t worry if your mischievous little monster misled you. Your situation is justifiable, and if you’ve lost your way, we’re here to help you. We can provide valuable tips on stopping a Jack Russell jump if you keep reading.
How do you train a Jack Russell not to jump?
If you’re a parent of a Jack Russell, you will find it extremely hard to get angry at your JRT’s behavior. But, believe us, a Jack Russell jump is something you will regret not stopping as soon as possible.
So now, because you’re looking for answers, let’s see how you can put an end to a Jack Russell jump
- Discourage jumping at a young age
Show your JRT that you disapprove of his jumping behavior. Don’t encourage or let it slide away quickly, and let him know that you’re not happy.
As soon as your pup jumps on you, turn away from him without a word. If he runs back around and tries doing the same, keep turning away from him.
Or walk out of the room. It will let the dog know (not at once, you’ll have to keep doing it until he stops misbehaving) that you’re angry with him for jumping on you.
As cunning as your Jack, he will understand your actions pretty quickly. Also, putting an end to it early makes it easier for him to grab onto training. After all, this is his learning period.
- For older dogs – Do not acknowledge Jack Russell’s jump
Stop your habits of accepting and giving treats and encouraging words at his jump. Just act like you didn’t see him jumping up to you and ask your friends and family to perform the same way. Just seize all the attention you gave him previously.
- Restore the behavior with a new one
Let him know that he can get the same results differently. Make him sit or lay down until you give him the treat or toy he asked for. Please give him a command and make him obey your words.
We can assure you that it won’t be long before your fluff ball catches onto what you’re trying to say. This destructive behavior will be completely erased from your JRT’s mind and won’t bother you anymore. Patience is the key.
Hope this post would be useful. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts. Cheers!!