Why Does My Dog Want To Go Home On Walks? Explained With Tips

Why Does My Dog Want To Go Home On Walks? Explained With Tips

Any dog owner would love to have a pleasant evening stroll with their beloved pet. It will help you cheer up your mood, get along well with the dog, and most importantly, help the dog meet their regular exercise needs.

But lots of dog parents have experienced different issues when taking their dogs for walks. One such common problem is that the dog attempts to go home on walks. What could be the reason behind this? Let’s find out!

So, why does my dog want to go home on walks? There isn’t one particular reason that makes your dog want to return home in the middle of a walk. However, the most common reason behind this is fear. Dogs have different personality traits, and they react to specific scenarios differently.

Most dogs consider their home the safest place to be. Going far from home will make them feel insecure. At that point, your dog will likely act anxious and scared. While fear is the most common cause of this, other reasons such as tiredness, exhaustion, and physical discomfort could make your dog avoid their walk and go back home.

One of the vital duties to fulfill when having a dog is keeping them fit and healthy. The most convenient way to provide exercise for your dog is by taking them for a walk.

But if your dog is reluctant to go for walks and they try to return home, it will worry you. This article will comprehensively explain this issue and bring some valuable tips to overcome the concern. 

Why does my dog want to go home on walks?

As mentioned above, fear is the most common reason that makes your dog hesitant to go on walks. When you bring home a new puppy, they will be a little anxious and scared as they get separated from their litter.

It takes a couple of weeks to get used to their new family and new home. Taking them far from home, especially at a young age, has the tendency to occur separation anxiety in some dogs.

In the simplest sense, your dog will feel insecure about going away from the home as they consider home as their safe and secure place.

Furthermore, when you take your dog out, they get exposed to many people, sounds, and so forth. New dogs find it insecure about getting exposed to new things making them want to go to their safe spot, which is home.

Why does my dog stop walking and want to go back home?

The hesitancy of dogs to leave home for walks eventually fades away as they grow up. Proper training and guidance will help your dog to enjoy their walk.

But you may sometimes notice even a grown-up dog who loves to go on walks attempts to return home during their walk. What causes this behavior?

We cannot always precisely figure out what makes your dog avoid their walk. However, given that fear is the typical reason for this behavior, that could be the first prediction that one can make as soon as you notice your dog hesitate to go on their walk.

However, fear is a subjective feeling. A dog could have fears and phobias about different things. It could be a loud noise, an object, or another animal.

Other than fears and phobias, tiredness or physical pain could make your dog want to go home.

So if your dog attempts to go home in the middle of a walk, observe and see if you can find out if there’s an apparent reason. You can try changing the routes you take them. If the dog continues avoiding, don’t force it.

Why does my dog not want to go on walks anymore?

At certain times dogs might completely avoid going on walks. If you experience this situation with your dog, below are some possible reasons behind it.

Previously we mentioned how fear could make your dog hesitant to go on walks. Sometimes, things or incidents cause fear in the dog and could also make them feel traumatized.

If the dog had to go through such a traumatic incident, it would be reluctant to go out for walks. Health concerns also could be another possible reason that keeps your dog away from walks.

Speaking of health concerns, they are not always observable from the outside. If it is a cut, wound, or laceration, you can easily detect it. But sometimes, your dog might be undergoing a chronic disease too.

The physical discomfort caused by it will make them lethargic and want to stay in one place. So be cautious and see if you notice further changes in your dog’s behavior.

Also, keep in mind that your dog’s hesitancy to go on walks is not always due to severe reasons. Perhaps they could be simply bored or not in the mood for a walk. But if this happens frequently, you must take action.

How can you encourage your dog for walks?

If your dog hesitates to go on walks and they keep trying to come back home, what actions can the owners take? Dog owners can follow several effective mechanisms to encourage their dogs to go on walks. Let’s have a look at those tactics.

  • Reward your dog

This is an easy yet productive way to create positive reinforcement in your dog. If your dog behaved well during the walk, treat them with a dog snack.

Any dog would love to get some appreciation from their humans. You do not have to give them treats after every walk, but you can do this occasionally, especially if they indicate good behavior during their walk. 

  • Be gentle using the collar and leash

A collar and leash are a must when you take your dog out. However, if you are too harsh with the collar and leash, it will make the dog feel uncomfortable.

Pushing them too hard with it could cause pain in their neck, elbows, and knees and make them frustrated about walking.

So be gentle when you use a collar and a leash. The more comfortable the walk, the more they will love it. 

  • Lead the dog

When going on a walk with your dog, you should be the navigator, leading the dog. Dogs have a pack mentality; therefore, they tend to follow the pack leader.

So when you lead them, they’ll follow you. Also, the dog will feel safe and protected when you lead them. And that will encourage them to enjoy their walks. 

Let’s wrap things up!

This article attempted to answer one of the common questions that many dog owners face once they take their dogs out for a walk. A dog could avoid their walk and seek to go home due to several reasons.

This often happens as a consequence of fear, but tiredness, sickness, or physical discomfort also could be potential reasons.

Although regular walks are essential for dogs, you should never force them if they are reluctant to do it; instead, you can encourage them through positive reinforcement methods.

Thank you for reading this post. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts. Have a nice day!


  • Sofia W. is a professional dog trainer who completed Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA and CPDT-KSA) certifications. Also, she has completed the Pet Nutrition Coach Certification. Sofia is interested in creating nutritious food formulas for dogs to give them a longer and healthier life. She believes food and training are a collective combination of a healthy dog. So, she is with us to share her expertise and knowledge with other dog parents.

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