What Should A Jack Russell Terrier Weigh? Answers With Tips

What Should A Jack Russell Terrier Weigh? Answers With Tips

The Jack Russell Terrier is a cute and little terrier that originated in England for fox hunting. Jack Russell Terriers have strong, brave, and independent personalities that make them exceptional problem-solvers despite their tiny size.

An interesting fact about them is, they’re even brave enough to dig a hole in the earth and chase a fox out of its den! When considering a Jack Russell Terrier to adopt, many people raise the matter, “What should a Jack Russell weigh?” It is crucial since you need to know whether you can lift your JRT or not!

So, What should a Jack Russell weigh? The weight of a JRT changes with their age and growth rate. A fully grown Jack Russell Terrier is weigh between 13-17 pounds (5 – 7 Kg) in common consideration. It depends on diet, exercise, nutrition, genetics, and health conditions.

By reading this piece of writing, you’ll understand the weight that Jack Russell should have together with the weight and size chart. Then, let’s identify when your JRT is considered fully grown and the factors that affect their weight.

Finally, let’s focus on tips to maintain the healthy weight of your JRT. If you are an owner or a dog lover willing to adopt a JRT, then this article may find you. Keep reading!

What should a Jack Russell Terrier weigh?

Most dog lovers are thinking about getting a Jack Russell Terrier, and they want to know how big a full-grown Jack Russell Terrier will get.

No worries! Jack Russell Terriers come in a wide range of sizes, just as they come in a wide range of dispositions.

When fully grown, Jack Russell Terriers will stand between 10-15 inches in height at the shoulder and weigh between 13-17 pounds.

Due to breeding and whether or not they are a mixed dog breed, Jack Russell Terriers can vary in size and weight. 

As I see, based on food, exercise, and muscle mass, certain Jack Russell’s may be on the lower end of the weight range, while others may be on the upper back.

When it comes to a one-month-old Jack Russell puppy’s weight, it’s usually between 2 and 4 pounds. A one-month-old Jack Russell puppy’s weight ranges between 4 and 6 pounds.

In the same way, the importance of a Jack Russell puppy increases with age. The weight of a three-month-old Jack Russell puppy could be 6 to 8 lb, and a four-month-old Jack Russell puppy could be 7 to 10 lb.

A five-month-old Jack Russell puppy will weigh 8 to 11 pounds. The weight of a six- to seven-month-old Jack Russell puppy could range from 11 to 14 pounds.

JRTs between the ages of eight and nine months will weigh 12 to 15 pounds, while JRTs between the ages of nine and ten months will weigh 12 to 16 pounds. JRT will weigh 13 to 17 lb between 10 months and two years.

I’ve created a table that compares your JRT’s age and average weight for your convenience.

1 month old2 – 4 lb
2 months old4 – 6 lb
3 months old6 – 8 lb
4 months old7 – 10 lb
5 months old8 – 11 lb
6 months old11 – 14 lb
7 months old11 – 14 lb
8 months old12 – 15 lb
9 months old12 – 16 lb
10 months old13 – 17 lb
11 months old13 – 17 lb
12 months old13 – 17 lb
2 years old13 – 17 lb
Complied by JackRussellOwner

Weight and Size chart of a JRT

Hey JRT lovers! It would help determine whether your dog is growing appropriately or is healthy if you first determined the average height and weight of a healthy JRT.

You may be able to measure your JRT’s weight and height and take the required actions to make him healthier if you know the average figure.

For the first six months, you have a pocket pet when it comes to the size of a Jack Russell puppy. A 6-month-old Jack Russell Terrier should weigh roughly 11 to 14 pounds and be close to adult height, standing about 10 to 12 inches tall at six months of age.

Because males are slightly larger than females, your puppy may be on the higher end of these ranges, if not somewhat more elevated.

Based on sex, breed, and mix, the average weight and height of full-grown Jack Russell Terriers.

Jack Russell or Terrier BreedHeightWeight
Jack Russell Terrier Male10-15 Inches12-17lbs
Jack Russell Terrier Female10-15 Inches12-17lbs
Parson Russell Terrier Male12-14 Inches13-17 lbs
Parson Russell Terrier Female12-14 Inches13-17 lbs
Russell Terrier Male8-12 Inches11-16lbs
Russell Terrier Female8-12 Inches11-16lbs
Complied by JackRussellOwner

When is your JRT considered fully grown?

When will a Jack Russell be regarded as fully grown? This is a frequently asked question about Jack Russells. When Jack Russells reach the age of 6-8 months, I consider them fully developed.

Of course, this varies from one Jack Russell Terrier to the next, as some Jack Russell Terriers may continue to bulk up until they are nearly a year old, especially when it comes to regular exercise, which promotes a healthy lifestyle and muscle growth.

Around the age of one year, most Jack Russell Terriers cease growing. If you look at our Jack Russel weight chart, you’ll notice that the breed’s growth slows down after 12 months.

That isn’t to say your JR at home won’t become much bigger! If your puppy continues to gain weight beyond its first birthday, see your physician. They may be gaining excess pounds, leading to secondary health problems in dogs.

Factors that affect the weight of Jack Russell Terriers

Some of you may not realize that a few elements can influence how much your Jack Russell grows and how big they become in the end. Here are those factors.

  • Diet: While diet is unlikely to impact your Jack Russell’s growth significantly, it may be a problem with the nutrients or nutritional needs that your Jack Russell requires to stay healthy.You don’t want your Jack Russell to go without any of these nutrients. For your dog’s food, stick to well-known and reputable brands.
  • Genetics: As with most dog breeds, genetics has a significant effect on the size of a Jack Russell. Suppose you acquire or adopt your Jack Russell Terrier from a local breeder. In that case, you might meet the parents to understand better how big your JR will grow to be at full maturity.
  • Exercise Schedules: While exercise will not shorten the height of your Jack Russell, it will affect the weight and the amount of muscle mass they gain. Jack Russell Terriers have broad muscles and large chest bones, making them a powerful dog breed.
  • Nutrition: Foods with no nutritional value may cause your JRT to become malnourished, affecting his weight and height. Vitamins, minerals, and fatty acids are all necessary for the growth of your JRT. If you don’t feed your dog food containing essential nutrients, your dog may gain weight and have health problems.
  • Other Health Issues: Other health issues are usually beyond your control and should not have a substantial impact on your Jack Russell’s growth, but they could. Always have your Jack Russell checked up by a trained veterinarian once a year to ensure that they are in good health.

Tips for maintaining a healthy weight of Jack Russell

According to the official American Kennel Club Jack Russell Terrier breed standards, a Jack Russell Terrier should weigh 13 and 17 pounds.

The optimal height for a male Jack Russell Terrier is 14 inches, while the ideal height for a female Jack Russell Terrier is 13 inches.

If you own a JRT, you probably have any concerns about your dog’s well-being. Among them, your JRT’s growth and look play a significant role.

When it comes to advise for keeping your Jack Russell puppy at a healthy weight, you should know the Best Dog Food for Jack Russell Puppies. Chicken & Quinoa, Beef & Barley, and Lamb & Brown Rice are the best dog foods for JRT, in my opinion.

Many JRT owners evaluate the healthy Jack Russell height and weight since they are concerned about their pet’s health. When your Jack Russell is well, you may see proper growth in them; however, their growth will be affected if they are sick.

If your fat Jack Russell is overweight, here are some methods to help you lose weight. First and foremost, provide a healthy diet. Your dog will become overweight if you feed more food but less activity.

Also, don’t forget to offer your dog a lot of exercises. Every day, Jack Russell must expend a lot of energy. Making exercise fun is a fantastic approach to learning how to run.

As a JRT owner, I’ve taken numerous actions to ensure my dog, Shaggy’s continued growth, and I’m planning to present you with a few of them straight here. Also, try them for your JRT and see how they grow.

1. Maintain a healthy dietary plan for your JRT

A nutritious diet rich in essential nutrients is critical for a dog’s growth, and you should follow a healthy nutritional plan for your JRT. To ensure that their foods have no adverse effects, use high-quality dog food and vitamins.

Vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and other essential nutrients should be included in their diet. Excess or insufficient food is terrible for a JRT’s health.

2. Proper Training

The Jack Russell is an active, energetic, and aggressive dog breed. To adapt as obedient domestic pets, they mainly require thorough training.

As a result, training is an essential aspect of JRT adoption, and training can impact JRT growth. It includes activities that improve the dog’s physical fitness and keep them happy.

It may have a good effect on your dog’s weight and height.

3. Necessary Exercises

JRTs’ height and weight influence their ability to exercise. Because Jack Russells are high-energy dogs, they require physical activity to burn off and release their extra energy.

They may be physically and mentally wounded if they do not, negatively impacting their health and progress. You must give your JRT the essential exercise by allowing them to play outside and taking them for walks.

4. Health care routine

JRTs, like humans, require regular health care, and you must address their regular health conditions, including coat care, worming, dental care, and flea-and-tick prevention.

You must pay greater attention to these normal health conditions to preserve the growth of your JRT.

5. Personal veterinarian

Find a good physician for your JRT and keep him as your JRT’s veterinarian, just like your family doctor. Bring your JRT to the same vet and discuss the drugs you’ll need with him.

Contacting the same veterinarian will make it better to understand your JRT’s condition over time, allowing them to provide critical health care at the appropriate moment.

Then, if there are any issues with your JRT’s height or weight, you can address them by following the prescribed therapies.

Final thoughts about Jack Russell’s weigh

The dog is the only creature on the earth that loves you more than it loves itself! If you want to know whether your JRT is overweight or underweight, practice the following note.

You could see its waist tucked under its ribs in the ideal situation. Your dog is underweight if you can see the contour of its ribs, and its waist is noticeably narrower than its ribcage. Meanwhile, it is overweight if its waist lines with the ribs or bulges out past them.

Now, you have got a good idea of what a Jack Russell should weigh, as well as the average figures. Then you’ll understand what factors affect their height, weight, and growth.

I’ve given you some tips on how to keep a healthy weight of your Jack Russell, and you can apply them to your dog. As JRT owners, you must be vigilant with your JRT’s growth and health because it is your family’s devoted, caring, and cute member.

Thank you for reading this article. Keep an eye on Jack Russell Owner for more informative articles about your favorite dog breed.


  • George B. is the founder of the JRO Organization. He believes in creating a better world for domestic animals. He believes domestic animals are more vulnerable than other animals, especially dogs, since they have been used to depending on their owners for generations. So, he started JRO to share his ideas and insights while helping vulnerable dogs worldwide. George runs multiple projects on street dogs in developing countries, especially Sri Lanka.

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