Rat Terrier And Border Collie Mix (Rat-Collie) - Hybrid Dog Breed Facts

Rat Terrier Border Collie Mix (Rat-Collie) – Hybrid Dog Breed Facts

Today we will be talking about a hybrid designed dog breed known as Rat-Collie resulting from Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix. Keep reading to know a lot of interesting facts about this dog breed; perhaps Rat-Collie could be the ideal dog you’ve been looking for.

Dogs are ideal human companions, and I think it is rare to find someone who would not love to have a dog. However, you must pay attention to several factors when getting yourself a dog.

The looks and personalities of dog breeds differ from one to the other; therefore, you have to wisely decide which dog breed would fit the best to your family.

Rat-Collie is the hybrid version developed through Rat Terriers and Border Collies. Both Rat Terriers and Border Collies can be considered family-friendly dogs; nonetheless, they have distinct differences in both appearance and temperament.

This often raises whether Rat-Collies are more similar to Rat Terriers or Border Collies. One cannot answer this question precisely, yet mostly they get bits and pieces of looks and personalities from both parents. Overall, Rat-Collies are energetic, intelligent, and responsive dogs.

Dog cross-breeding began many decades ago, intending to develop unique dogs. Some hybrid dogs are prevalent, just as purebred ones, while some are not that popular.

Speaking of Rat-Collies, these dogs are not the most common hybrid dog breed that you could find.

However, this is a mixed breed that is worth knowing. So feel free to read the sub-topics below to comprehensively understand Rat-Collies.

Fast Facts : Rat-Collie (Rat Terrier And Border Collie Mix)

Average height 10 – 20 inches 
Average weight 10 – 40 pounds
Lifespan 12 – 15 years 
Suitable for Singles or Couples,
Families with kids,
Temperament Energetic, Affectionate,
Fun, Playful, Protective
Good for families? Yes
Other nicknames Rat-Collie, Border-Rat,
Complied by Jack Russell Owner

Origin of Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix

When understanding the origin and history of Rat-Collies, it is essential to go through the origin of the parent breeds. The origins of hybrid dogs are usually hard to trace precisely.

Nevertheless, by assessing the parents’ history, you can get a rough understanding of their mixed breed’s origins.

Rat Terrier is a breed developed back in the early 1900s. The information shows that these dogs have their oldest roots coming from England.

These dogs were initially bred for hunting purposes, and their exceptional talent in hunting rats makes them called Rat Terriers.

On the other hand, the border collie is a breed coming from Scotland, more precisely in a region on the border of England and Scotland.

Border Collies were bred around the late 1800s, yet some believe they have a more extended history than that. These dogs are considered sheepdogs, and collie is a dutch word that gives the meaning sheepdog.

Regarding Rat-Collies, the hybrid version of the above-mentioned dog breeds, there are few details to consider regarding their origin.

This is not the most common hybrid dog breed; therefore, it is hard to find where they are developed. However, they gained popularity not so long ago.

The appearance of Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix

The appearance of Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix

Hybrid dogs certainly get unique looks as they inherit genes from two dog breeds. Rat Terriers and Border Collies have distinct looks, and their mixed version becomes a blend of those physical characteristics.

A Rat-Collie could be a fair blend of both parents, but sometimes they can have more attributes from one parent over the other. Below you can find some typical physical traits of a Rat-Collie. 

Neither Rat Terriers nor Border Collies are gigantic dogs. However, compared to a Rat Terrier, a border Collie is relatively big in body size.

Therefore the size of a Rat-Collie could vary from small to medium, with an average weight of 10-40 pounds and height of 10-20 inches.

A Rat-Collie could have a short-length coat, but they could also have medium-length sleek coats.

Their coat comes in two to three colors, including black, white, gray, and sable. Furthermore, Rat-Collies get semi-erect or erect ears and long tails. 

How big do Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix get?

It is not easy to precisely mention the size of hybrid dogs, with no exception for Rat-Collies. As mentioned earlier, Rat Terriers are small dogs, whereas Border Collies are medium size once.

This could make Rat-Collies either small or medium-sized dogs. While genes play a critical role in their size and growth, several external factors could also impact them.

Typically, a healthy Rat-Collie would weigh around 20 pounds and stand up to 15 inches tall. But remember, these measures are subjective. Genes, gender, and external factors could slightly change them.

The temperament of Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix

Just like their physical appearance, the temperament of hybrid dogs is also hard to explain precisely. It could considerably defer primarily depending on their genes.

If we focus on Rat Terriers, they are little dogs packed with heaps of energy. They are fun, playful, protective, and have predator instincts embedded in their genes.

Border Collies are very intelligent, loyal, and responsive dogs. Rat-Collie combines these temperaments as their hybrid breed, making them active, friendly, alert, tenacious, and affectionate dogs.

Rat-Collies generally get along well with other pets. However, make sure you socialize with them from the youngest age. 

How long do Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix dogs live?

How long do Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix dogs live?

The life span of a dog differs from one breed to the other. Some dogs enjoy relatively long life spans, especially small dog breeds.

Rat Terriers are one such breed, and they have a lifespan of 15-18 years. Border Collies have a lifespan of 12-15 years which is also a long life expectancy range for dogs.

The Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix enjoy a life span of 13-16 years if they are in good health.

How much do Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix puppies cost?

The price of this hybrid dog breed is mainly determined by the bloodline of the parents and the breeder’s reputation. If the dog comes from original bloodlines, it can be somewhat expensive.

So if you want to have a quality Rat-Collie, you will have to spend around 600-1000 US Dollars. Yet, this is not a fixed price range.

Sometimes purebred Rat Terriers and Border Collies may cost Above 1500 US Dollars; in such cases, their mixed puppies could also be pretty expensive.

There are possibilities where you might find Rat-Collies for lower prices, but it is always good to do a small background check on the breeder and get the puppies.

Maintenance tips for Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix 

How hard is it to maintain a Rat-Collie? If you have a fair understanding of the maintenance of the breed, it will not be a complex thing to do.

If you need to raise a healthy, good-looking Rat-Collie, you must pay attention to their general maintenance.

Apart from maintenance, it is also vital to understand their dietary patterns, physical activity, and general health conditions. So here are some valuable tips for you.

  • Follow a grooming schedule

Hence both Rat Terriers and Border Collies are moderate shedders. Rat-Collies are not the most challenging dogs to maintain. However, it is crucial to follow a grooming schedule.

As mentioned earlier, Rat-Collies could have short or medium-length coats due to the coat differences of their parents. Depending on the length, you can adjust the grooming frequency.

Frequent bathing is not healthy for these dogs; you can wash them every two months or so.

Brush them a couple of times weekly to remove all excess and dead hair. You can also brush their teeth two to three times per week to prevent the possibility of getting oral issues.

  • Feed good food

When you feed a Rat-Collie, you should equally pay attention to the quality and quantity of food. The amount of food could slightly vary due to the size and age of the dog.

However, a full-grown Rat-Collie requires one and a half to two cups of dog food per day. You can split it and give it as two meals.

Also, these dogs are highly energetic, so they need lots of calories in their food. Dog food is the safest and the most convenient food for your Rat-Collie, but to add more variety to their meals and make them healthier, you can add selected veggies, fruits, and meats.

Remember not to overfeed your dog because these dogs are vulnerable to obesity.

  • Make them exercise and do occasional veterinary checkups

If you need a healthy Rat-Collie, it is mandatory to engage them in suitable physical activities and be attentive to their general health.

Rat-Collies are naturally active, so there’s less room to hesitate to exercise. These dogs need ample exercise to release their energy and stay fit.

Usually, it is recommended to take them for a walk or play with them for around an hour per day.

When it comes to the general health of your Rat-Collie, be aware of the health conditions that they are prone to.

Some common health issues among Rat-Collies are allergies, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, and progressive retinal atrophy. To ensure your dog is in good health, do occasional veterinary checkups. 

Final thoughts about the Rat-Collie dog breed

This article discussed Rat Terrier and Border Collie mix; energetic, intelligent, loyal, and lovable dogs. As explained, dogs have different looks, and different personalities, so do Rat-Collies.

Instead of using the word “different,” I would like to say “unique” because these dogs are definitely one of a kind. So if you are looking for a unique dog and ready to be a responsible dog parent, Rat-Collie is a good fit for you. 

Thank you for reading this post. Stay tuned with Jack Russell Owner for more interesting posts about your favorite dog breed.


  • Lisa W. is a practicing certified veterinarian (BVetMed Hons in Veterinary Medicine) who graduated from Royal Veterinary College, UK. One of her research fields is mixed-dog breeds and their temperament, behavioral issues, and genetic health concerns. Also, she gathers data about purebred dog breeds and their origin, lifespan, and genetic conditions. Lisa is a loving dog parent who is keen to share her expertise with other fellow dog parents.

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